We are now accepting messages to be left during a portion of our business hours for your technical support issues only. We will not answer any pre-sales questions through this number. Any pre-sales questions are only answered via email at support@tcheck.me. If your voicemail does not include the information outlined below, it will be deleted automatically.
Our customer support agents are always available via email: This mode of communication allows us to respond to customers clearly, effectively, and in a more timely fashion. We like to prearrange the call date and time so it is convenient for both you and our service agent.
Don't want to talk to us? No problem! Check out more of our FAQs or send an email to Customer Support. All order inquiries will require an order number.
If you want to check on the status of your order: Please see Order Status for more information or click this link and provide the order number and billing email.
Call us at:
1-916-252-5292 (this number does not receive text messages)
Please be prepared to provide the following information:
Order Number
Email used on the order or when you created your tCheck app account
Summarize the reason for the call
Telephone Support Hours
Monday - Friday / 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM PST
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