No, we do not test RSO or FECO at this time unless it has been winterized.
- F.E.C.O., also know as Full Extract Cannabis Oil. FECO has become the industry's preferred label for this type of cannabis concentrate. FECO is a highly concentrated, whole-plant extract that is known to provide one of the broadest spectrums of cannabinoids and terpenes available - the components responsible for the medicinal benefits of cannabis. Due to this fact, many consider FECO to be one of the most potent and versatile medical cannabis treatment options as it offers the largest range of cannabinoids and terpenes to boost each other's effects based on the entourage effect. FECO most often is prepared in the form of an edible oil syringe or supplemental capsules. FECO is made with grain alcohol or ethanol.
- Rick Simpson Oil, or RSO, is a concentrated form of cannabis that is often mistaken for FECO, due to its similarities. RSO is often a very dark color, and can come in oil syringes or supplemental capsules. RSO is extracted from isopropyl alcohol.
FECO and RSO are most often utilized by those patients that need significant pain and inflammation relief, in addition to cancer, HIV/AIDS, and any type of wasting syndrome patients that can benefit from more concentrated amounts of THC.
Our concentrates testing buttons (feature) assumes a winterized concentrate while the isolate infusion assumes you are using an isolate which is usually a powdery white substance.
Winterization is a process by which plant lipids, waxes, chlorophyll, and other plant products are removed.
RSO - also called Rick Simpson Oil is extracted from isopropyl alcohol, FECO is made with grain alcohol or ethanol.
Full Extract Cannabis Oil or FECO is a highly concentrated, whole-plant extract that is known to provide one of the broadest spectrums of cannabinoids and terpenes available.
RSO, FECO, Hash, Shatter, Resin and Distillate are generally not winterized and therefore cannot be tested directly.
** Note **
We have not tested non-winterized concentrates for production use. In the future, we plan to add some non-winterized concentrate tests as a feature to tCheck but cannot make any promises in terms of time frame.
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