Most marijuana or cannabis concentrate extractors do not decarb material prior to extraction from the plant. Therefore, most concentrates are primarily comprised of THCa. Heating, either by smoking or vaping, decarbs the THCa into THC. At this time, there are extremely few extractors that produce a concentrate that contains only decarbed THC. tCheck certainly has the ability to measure THC concentrates, however, because there are so few producers out there, if we add this capability, it will effectively be for a single manufacturer.
The flip side is true for CBD. For whatever reason, CBD producers only make decarbed CBD. You cannot find non-decarbed CBDa concentrates anywhere. One possible reason is that consumers generally do not smoke CBD but rather use it as a topical or edible.
As THC ages, it turns into CBN. There are research studies that say the half-life of THC is approximately 7 months. At this time, nobody really knows how to accelerate this aging process, therefore, CBN concentrates are extremely difficult to come by.
CBG is newer to the market. CBG is a manufacturing byproduct of CBD extraction. Because CBG derived is now legal because it is extracted from hemp, processors have figured out that they can sell it. CBG may have mild psychoactive properties so it is like the little brother to THC but federally legal. And not yet supported by our device.
Whether or not we include a feature into tCheck depends on a couple of factors:
- Is there sufficient customer demand
- Can we purchase enough of the material so that we can analyze it and also create calibration standards?
If these two conditions are met, we will look into doing further testing and research to determine if we would want to potentially support the option. If there is a feature or test that you want us to add, please complete our wish list.
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